Parking at The Postmark Hotel
Welcome to The Postmark Hotel! For your convenience, we kindly ask that you drop off your luggage at the front desk before parking in the adjacent lot. This will help ensure a smooth check-in experience. Thank you, and we look forward to your stay!
Hotel Parking: 15 Spots (Covered ceiling) – $25.00/night + taxes
Located on Park Avenue, across from Trinity United Church. Register your vehicle at the Front Desk after parking. Additional spaces are marked at the lot entrance.
Hotel Parking: 11 Spots (Near Old Town Hall) – $25.00/night + taxes
From Park Avenue, turn right onto Main Street, right onto Botsford Street, and take the first alley on the right. Spaces are marked with “The Postmark Hotel” signage at the alley’s end. Register your vehicle at the Front Desk after parking.
Municipal Free Overnight Parking
Turn left onto Doug Duncan Drive from Main Street. Use the first four rows of the lot facing Metropolis Mercantile and Café. No registration required. Take the wooden stairs to Main Street, and the hotel is directly across the street.